Monday, March 19, 2012

Advice for the Ones Who Drive Us Insane

You know those moments when you reflect thoroughly about a situation....
and you think to yourself. Damn.
Yeah, it's one of those for me.
How can someone who sits there on a daily business and never ever a t t e m p t s to accomplish something productive, and then has the audacity to just spit whatever mental diarrhea out into the air around me?
I believe it's these kind of people that will eventually give us the final laugh later on in life. Cause for now, I know for a fact that I can achieve whatever I desire for myself, if I simply set my mind to it. Our brain is quite the mysterious little thing, and so we really should put it to the daily task of life; a lot more.
I don't care how old you are, what you have gone through, how much money you make, or where  you live; you still will sound like a complete idiot if you just spit out degrading crap towards another individual! You just do.
One, negativity to bring down others is just as damaging to the other person, as it is to our own self. So why even bother crossing that line?
Anyone who feels the need to just put someone down continuously is pathetic. Straight up pathetic. I guess you're reading this and thinking, 'Well they're putting down people who are putting others down.'
Nah, just venting! I honestly can take any harsh blow from whomever I may come across, but when it's from someone who you see frequently, and questions every comment and opinion you have, and MUST be the right one no matter what you're conversing about with them-----my top gets blown off!!! R e a l l y high.
God dang, I mean, if you must disagree with someone, at least let them finish their damn thoughts. No person's thoughts are any more significant than another's, so why pride yourself and not let them finish. Ugh, gotta love the ignorance that flourishes through people's minds in society. It makes me sick. Absolutely sick and I really can only take so much more; and after that I can be completely on my own.
Away from the nagging procrastination.
Away from the selfish carbon monoxide they exhale.
Away from it all.
That's my rant for today. I know I haven't posted in months, but I seriously wanted to blow up, and now I am fine.
Ha, oh the wonders writing can do for my SOUL.

Happy March 19th.
Hope it was grand :P


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