Sunday, January 29, 2012

A 29th Day in January

I am eighteen. STRANGE.
That's all I have to say about that. 
Graduation is coming up, and I just don't have a clue on how to figure all of everything out.
Okay maybe I do.
Well, I'm starting this up today, and hopefully it will be bring me better shinans.

So, this year, my resolution has for the most part, stuck with me.
But...the other part, the pro...crastination part. Yeah, hasn't wavered away; at all.

This weekend was quite a special one for me. I love my best friend, he's so good to me.
I know everyone can find love in someone, it's whether or not it can be kept.

I really wish laundry could just do itself sometimes. What a bother haha.

I need a job too. Mah.
And a gym membership. 
Who doesn't. 

YouTube is crack for me. But Pinterest is pretty much   challenging Youtube for that #1 spot. Seriously; that's good stuff.

Glancing at the time now, and I think my stomach has fallen into dark trashcan of crap.
Adios. Au revoir. 

<3 <3

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